
E-commerce for Enterpreuners

One of the best things about the internet is that a person can look up just about anything. Google and other search engines have made it possible for people to look for topics they are interested in, without having to get off the chair. Online sites for shopping, banking, even learning have made it possible for people to do everything they want without having to get up and go out of their house, and drive through traffic to get to one specific destination. Web blogs (otherwise known as blogs) have made it possible for people to write about their inner most thoughts, and if they want, they can even get famous for it. Seriously, there is nothing that the internet cannot do for the average Joe/Jane. It’s the world at the tip of one’s fingers.

But there is one thing that we musn’t forget, and that is that with great power comes great responsibility…in other words, great access to all these things comes with a price and a responsibility to the user. Once, we thought that the internet was a safe place to roam. Because we have access to information and other such accessible things without having to get many things in person, we believe that we don’t have to risk anything of our own to get what we want. This is false. Even the internet isn’t safe, and some believe that the internet is even more dangerous than real life. Since more and more people have access to the internet, the possibility of danger is even greater. There are people out there who may abuse things that they gather from the internet. It could be a simple thing such as plagiarism for a paper, or posing as someone on some social networking site. It could lead to something more dangerous such as tricking other people into doing something because they believe the site or user to be someone else, like clicking on viruses or getting people to give you their personal information; and the possibility of identity thefts and other such thievery is more possible now than ever.

Which is why, I am very much interested in getting a copy of this book. As internet users, it is our responsibility to keep ourselves up-to-date with everything around us, including the internet. Ignorance does not give us the right to do as we please without fear of consequence. Be it for people who are interested in getting to know the workings of the internet for entrepreneurial purposes or not, this book has a cause, and its to educate people about some things we should and should not do. As internet users, it is our responsibility to know our rights when faced with “the world of the internet”. It is also our responsibility to make sure that what we do, does not go against any code or protocol on the internet. Honestly, they should teach these in schools, especially to young children who aren’t aware of what consequences their small actions may lead them to.

Me, I want a copy of this book because despite the fact that I have been using the internet for quite some time, I am not familiar with a lot of things I should know. In my countless years on the internet, I’ve usually stuck to personal things which don’t involve other people knowing a lot about what I do and whatnot. But in more recent years, I’ve been involved in more active blogging and other such aspects, which needs further knowledge on the matter. I believe that this book, will in some way help me and my friends (who are getting into using the internet for blogging and entrepreneurial purposes) to know the basic fundamentals to accessing the “world of internet”.

Being ignorant does not mean that we are free from the consequences of our actions. Educate yourself.

The author of the book, Ecommerce for Enterpreneurs, is Janette Torral. She is the same author for the book Blogging from Home, for which me and my mom have a personal copy. 🙂 Thanks again Tita Janette! I hope I get to attend the launching of this book.

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The Doll(dalera)

What lies behind the mask of a doll, kept sheltered and propped against the shelf wall. Beautiful and untouched for all to see, she comes unmasked in beautiful glory.

The Doll behind the mask

A fresh university graduate from the Ateneo de Manila University who loves to write stories, articles and poetry. Enjoys reading books - mostly fiction, and loves to play video games.

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