
The Art of Cosplay, part I

Cosplaying in the Philippines is somewhat of a new art. I guess, it’s because most of us were raised with the traits of being conservative and humble that it hasn’t blossomed as much as it has in other countries.

Cosplaying, a shortcut term for Costume Roleplay/Play, is not composed of only characters from Anime (Japanese Animation) and Manga (Japanese comics) as most people assume. It branches out to all kinds of costumes, to those of famous actresses/actors, comic book characters, fictional characters, singers, and even objects – like transformers.

I have recently been exposed to the real world of cosplaying. Before, cosplaying was something I could only dream of, since I didn’t think I’d have the guts to parade myself in front of other people in a costume that’s more than the ordinary Filipino style of dressing up. Many times, I’d meet people who went to conventions in the States, and took various pictures, not only in the States but also in Hong Kong, Korea and Japan. Not only in conventions, if we try to look at it at a broader perspective, but even street fashion in various places around the world is either an influence to, or has been influenced by cosplaying in some manner.

Recently, various ‘photoshoot’ sessions have begun to take place around the Philippines, which includes dressing up and posing in front of a camera, whether or not either the model or photographer is a professional or not. Many appear to be costume inspirations from recent hit anime’s while others are just spur of the moment themes. Even in my school, the Ateneo, I and a few other friends have taken dressing up for school up a notch. Though I wouldn’t consider myself a very artistic fashionista, I have a few friends who truly are the centers of such a new age in fashion.

Listed are some cosplayers and cosplay-related people that I’m familiar with:

Alodia “Edjie” Gosiengfiao, whom I’m proud to say is a Blue Eagle, is one of the more popular cosplayers in the Philippines. Having won various contests for her very creative and worthwhile costumes, she has been invited to conventions and such as a guest, or as a host. Truly an inspiration to cosplayers, photographers and wanna-be cosplayers here and around the world, Alodia is one who is willing to take the patience and effort to make her costume as original and unique as possible. Edjie recently acted as a host for the Toycon2007 which was held in SM Megamall from June 16-17, as a guest host for the Mangaholix Convention (held at SM Mall of Asia last May 19), and a DeathNote Photoshoot where she played as Misa.

Edjie as Shall from Dream of Doll

Edjie as Misa Amane from DeathNote

Top: Edjie as Shall from Dream of Doll. Photograph by Tricia.

Bottom: Edjie as Misa Amane from DeathNote. Photograph by Tricia.

Ashley Gosiengfiao, Alodia’s sister and also another proud cosplayer and student in the Ateneo. As pretty and as popular as her older sister, Ashley is also very much involved in her band (The Bestidas) and photography. While her sister is very much into cosplaying, Ash is also very much involved in cosplaying but also carries around an SLR camera which never fails to let her down. Ashley is another popular figure in the world of Philippine Cosplaying. She has been recently involved in her portrayal of Mello in a DeathNote Photoshoot with some other cosplayer friends.

Ashley as Mello


Top: Ashley as Mello from DeathNote. Photograph by Tricia.

Bottom: Ashley’s old DeviantArt ID.

Cris “Crissey” Si, is also quite a well-known figure in the cosplaying scene. Another very fashionistang Atenista, she hasn’t been involved in a whole lot of conventions, though she loves coming to school in a very cosplay-ish fashion sense. She is well-known for her portrayal of Near in a recent DeathNote Photoshoot which included other cosplayers.

Another Near pose

Crissey as Near

Crissey as Near. Photographs by Tricia.

Jaclyn Ting Lim is another very prominent figure here in the Philippines as a die-hard cosplayer. Jactinglim has involved herself in quite a number of cosplay competitions, and also involved herself a lot in various photoshoots, and has cosplayed quite a number of times as well in conventions. A graduate from UST Architecture, she has had many years of experience in the art, modeling and in computers. Jac won as the best female cosplayer in this year’s recent 6th Toycon2007.



Top: Jactinglim as Cora Mystic Lvl 45 (RF Online). Photograph by Brando Solaria.

Bottom: Jactinglim as Aya from Oneechanbara/Zombie Zone. Photograph by Jun.

Tricia Gosingtian, is quite a well-known photographer in the cosplaying world. She has done many photoshoots for magazines as well as close friends, added to her excellent and ever-improving skills, which has garnered her popularity and praise in the Philippines – mostly especially on DeviantArt. I’m proud to say that this girl is also an Atenean, and a very promising photographer at such a young age. Some of the photoshoots she’s dealt in were for Meg Magazine, the DeathNote Photoshoot and the Dream of Doll Photoshoot.

Tricia in HK Disneyland

Tricia! :D

Tricia in Hong Kong. Photograph by Juju Gosingtian.

Tricia during Chinese New Year. Photograph by Juju Gosingtian.

-To be continued-

P.S. I have the permission of the photographers and cosplayers, for use in the writing of this entry.

48 Responses to “The Art of Cosplay, part I”

  1. 1 Jac
    July 5, 2007 at 3:12 pm

    Thanks for featuring me ^^

  2. July 5, 2007 at 7:16 pm

    Hi! I was lead here through Jac’s Multiply account. I’m afraid I will have to correct you on this – cosplay comes from “costume” and “play”, and not exactly “roleplay”. v^_^v A very condensed discussion of this is on Wikipedia’s entry on the subject.

    Also, for more on the subject of cosplay, it would be best to go to Cosplay.ph and FilCosplay. ^_^ And it would help if your article featured more examples of cosplay, like mecha as done by Robert Wong (his APU cosplay is now owned by Matrix Philippines).

    Otherwise, this is nicely written. (And the fact that you link to Mr. Bo Sanchez is making me all fuzzy and happy inside. v^_~v)

  3. July 5, 2007 at 8:47 pm

    @ Jac: No problem! 🙂 I feel ashamed that I didn’t write much about you considering how long I’ve known you.
    @ Ligaya Haruka: Thanks for the correction. Actually, I did write it as costume play before, but sometime ago, someone corrected me to my mistake in the play->roleplay wording. n______n Thanks also for the linkages, which I forgot to add to the article. This is still actually just one part of the blog/article, I plan on featuring more in the next ones. TY too for the recommendation. I will do more research! ^_^
    Bo Sanchez is an inspiration!

  4. July 6, 2007 at 11:23 pm

    Very interesting post… and pictures! 🙂

    Oh and thanks for commenting in Flair in the City. 😀

  5. July 7, 2007 at 10:54 pm

    @ Angel: Thanks Angel. It’s no problem. It’s now a regular thing for me to check your site for various updates and awesome recommendations.

  6. July 9, 2007 at 4:43 am

    Cosplay – roughly around 6 years ago, this trade was relatively unknown to the public, and only Otaku who are “in-the-know” would cosplay, and would appreciate the art of Cosplaying. We now live in a time when characters can be shared with other fans, not really like before, when passion for anime, or a certain anime character is done solo. Combine the forces of globalization (Japan) plus the Internet (Information and Communication) plus Community-Building, and you have the recipe for Cosplay here in the Philippines.

    Costumes are getting brighter and better, people are becoming closer and wiser, and everything’s improving. I have to say that the difference of cosplay six years ago (more or less) and today’s cosplay (in the Philippines) would be great.

    Why do people cosplay? For fame, attention, money? For friends, peer pressure, fashion? Or for the love of the art, the thought of being your favorite character for a day, and for showing the world that anime is something besides animation and it holds culture and values at the same time? I believe that cosplaying exists both in physical and in a metaphysical sense. Everyday, people wear masks. I believe that wearing “masks” during Cosplay events would be “unmasking” oneself for a day or two. (Or something to that effect)….

    Just my two cents. ^_^

  7. 8 lex
    August 25, 2007 at 6:59 pm

    uhm..jin joson?
    er suggesting 😀

  8. August 25, 2007 at 11:10 pm

    @ Lex: Sure. 🙂 I haven’t had time to do a second part yet but I’m planning on interviewing her once I find the time.

  9. 10 clara
    March 18, 2008 at 9:20 am

    OMG !!!!! your like the best cosplayer EVER and I love how you can pull both sex’s with no problem, they all look so professional !!!

    dude you can be a model, in all serious-inesss

    LOVE IT !!!

    continue the good work girl ❤

  10. 11 emeline
    April 2, 2008 at 3:22 am

    your blog is very good. Y’like him

  11. April 9, 2008 at 6:13 pm

    @ Clara: I think you have me mistaken. ^^; Those in the pictures aren’t me, rather they are friends of mine. Also, the photographs were taken by other people, not by me. I have an acquaintance who can pull of both sexes though. She’s awesome.

    Thanks for the comment though.

    @ Emeline
    : Thank you for the compliment. 🙂

  12. April 21, 2008 at 3:21 pm

    Why didn’t you put the Tux Team? I was just wondering… *sweatdrop*

  13. April 22, 2008 at 10:10 pm

    the best one is misa

  14. 16 adam
    April 23, 2008 at 11:05 pm

    i what to marry you

  15. 18 adam
    April 23, 2008 at 11:08 pm

    oops i meant yea!!!

  16. May 14, 2008 at 4:01 am

    Oh, wow, that is lovely, you did a wonderful job!

  17. 20 BONES
    May 20, 2008 at 9:26 pm

    what server are u??? the particular server,…. ggegegeg


  18. May 24, 2008 at 4:57 pm

    @ Kairu Mendoza: Yes, I promised I would interview the Tuxedo Team, but I haven’t been able to do so, much procrastination really. Sorry!

    @ Adam: Thanks, I think.. 🙂

    @ Utako: Thank you so much! Your compliment is much appreciated. ^^

    @ BONES: Thanks. Server? I don’t quite understand….

  19. 22 Noemi
    June 3, 2008 at 2:47 am

    Oiàaa Ficou Legal em…xD

    Ahh misa Ficou endentica….de +


  20. 23 Roxy
    June 26, 2008 at 9:21 am

    Wow she is soo beautiful!

  21. 24 ken's girl
    July 3, 2008 at 9:10 am

    I think tricia is way too pretty compared to alodia..and she is much talented as well..i like her simplicity. =)

  22. July 6, 2008 at 1:35 am

    @ Roxy: Who is? I think all of them are beautiful! 🙂

    @ ken’s girl: I think both Tricia and Alodia are very pretty. Each of them have their own styles though. Tricia is really more simple, that’s her style. Alodia has a louder style, which is also very appealing to a lot of people. Both have their own select talents as well. 😀

  23. 26 mello
    July 11, 2008 at 12:27 pm

    how much 4 the mello outfit.

  24. July 12, 2008 at 4:20 pm

    @ Mello: If you would kindly read the article, it states that the outfits are not mine, and the cosplayers are friends of mine. I don’t know if she’s planning on selling her outfit.

  25. 28 Evilbunnyofdeath
    July 20, 2008 at 10:24 pm

    I love the Near cosplaying!! I was wondering how did you make your eyebrows white?

  26. July 20, 2008 at 10:56 pm

    @ Evilbunnyofdeath: My friend, who cosplayed as Near, said that she used white eyeliner. 🙂

  27. September 3, 2008 at 10:44 am

    wow 🙂
    its very interesting article.
    Nice post.
    realy good post

    thank you 😉

  28. October 4, 2008 at 12:42 pm

    pede b kta maging frend gs2 ko makuha telephone number nyo pede ba wish ko rin maging superhero

  29. 32 Marie
    October 5, 2008 at 1:36 am

    Don’t forget Jin Joson and the rest of the Tuxedo team! 🙂

  30. October 5, 2008 at 1:55 am

    @ Marie: I was supposed to interview them, and I had even contacted Jin asking for an interview, but it never pushed through because I became really busy. And now, I just procrastinate and forget. XD

  31. October 9, 2008 at 1:16 am

    @ GREED: Thanks but I didn’t take any of those pictures. Please check the credits found below the pictures for the people who took those pictures.

  32. 36 Lii
    October 29, 2008 at 5:44 pm

    Jin Joson and Tuxedo Team. 🙂 (They are loooove.)

  33. 37 Me
    December 28, 2008 at 3:06 am

    uuuuummmmm…… wat was the snow stuff in the background that just randomly started and stopped after like 30 seconds O.o WOW ITS STARTING AGAIN O.O

  34. December 29, 2008 at 12:08 am

    @ Me: It’s part of an option on wordpress for the Christmas season, to allow “snow” to snow on one’s blog. But it’s only until January 4 though~ XD

  35. 39 NataliexMello
    February 1, 2009 at 1:26 pm

    I love all of the pics and the description but the one thing is that… Mello is NOT japaneese. He is german. i dont like to be negitive… it is a great picture the wig and outfit are super cool ^_^

  36. March 5, 2009 at 12:53 am

    Gute Arbeit hier! Gute Inhalte.

  37. 42 kim
    November 26, 2009 at 3:57 pm

    hello. this is my first time here hehehe
    i want to explore the world of cosplay…can u help me?

    • November 28, 2009 at 2:15 am

      Hey there.
      Uhm actually, I don’t think I’m the best person to consult about those things. Haha. I’m not really to familiar with the world of cosplay. I recommend you check out the sites of the cosplayers featured above. Their websites have a lot of FAQ about cosplaying that I’m sure you’d find interesting and informative. 🙂

  38. September 28, 2010 at 8:35 pm

    Great this dress collections is more update…

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The Doll(dalera)

What lies behind the mask of a doll, kept sheltered and propped against the shelf wall. Beautiful and untouched for all to see, she comes unmasked in beautiful glory.

The Doll behind the mask

A fresh university graduate from the Ateneo de Manila University who loves to write stories, articles and poetry. Enjoys reading books - mostly fiction, and loves to play video games.

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